Beach Giggles & Random-ness…

So, above is a picture of me doing one of my resolutions this year…no, not to take shots of my feet;-) but, to randomly hit up the BEACH more! Even if its for afew minutes, to take some photos, listen to the waves & just be in the moment. Here are some other pictures, some kinda silly, that I took….

If you’re near the beach, how often do you go? If not, what natural surrounding in your area do you enjoy?:-) xo

  1. vanillalatte64

    July 26, 2012 at 4:09 am

    What a wonderful resolution! I love the beach for the peace it brings to me, the warm golden sand and the waves splashing onto the shore. As you know, I’m in NM and there are no beaches :/ Hmm, a natural surrounding here would be Sitting Bull Falls, about 45 minutes away. Haven’t been back for a few years, due to the extreme fire danger.

  2. vanillalatte64

    July 26, 2012 at 4:21 am

    What a wonderful resolution! I love the beach for the peace it brings to me, the warm golden sand between my toes and the sound of the waves crashing towards the shore! As you know, there are no beaches here in NM. :/ A natural surrounding in my area would be Sitting Bull Falls, about 45 minutes from here. It’s been a few years since I was last there, due to the extreme fire danger (it was closed). It is a beautiful area with little streams here and there, lots of greenery and depending on the time of year … it is a quiet, peaceful location. Nothing beats the beach though! 😀

  3. horsingaroundinla

    August 2, 2012 at 7:59 pm

    We totally need to hit the beach up more! There’s no reason not too, we live so close to it!! LOL I love our adventures at the beach! 🙂

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