Current State of Mind: Content.

As some of you know, last week I celebrated two years blogging here on Along Comes Mary! In a way, it feels much longer & in another, it seems like just yesterday I began this writing journey with the help of Minnesota Girl in the World (aka Jamie!) of telling readers (or more…anyone who will listen?!) what I am up to, sharing stories, pictures, products that I love, adventures & whatever else I want to in this space.


A lot has gone on in this time frame. Some events you may know, some, not so much. Moving, heartache, health issues, new friends, old friends, bad dates, amazing times, temp jobs, a puppy, a new job, a new relationship, new music, new stories, & more, has all gone on.

Since I moved down to LA, I think I have always been searching for a place to call home. Much like what Glinda told Dorothy, I know home is something I needed to find within myself, in my heart, & looking back, I have been chasing for that feeling of content for quite some time.


Oddly, I have been asked a few times just this week if I am in school or plan to return. My answer? Not right now. Things are going really well for me, that I am at last feeling more HAPPY & CONTENT. I have this blog, which brings me so much fun & is paying off for me & awesome opportunities are arising all the time. A full-time day job that not only pays my bills, but I enjoy. A dog who found me just about a year ago & is my world. And, last, but certainly not least,  Michael. My wonderful significant other whom I feel I have always known.

While I still have goals & ideas I hope to bring into fruition, having a new-found state of mind that is content with life is truly a new feeling for me. Life is not perfect, but lately, it feels awfully damn good & I want to enjoy that ride since it seems often, its the most simple things we want can often be the hardest to obtain. Some may think its strange I say I am happy working & being with my boyfriend, family & dog, but I have longed for that.


I could not want to wish this more than to all of you out there. I talk to my friends & many do not have it very well in their lives right now, & it breaks my heart I cannot wave a wand & make things better. I just think, why?  Why is everything ok  for me yet not for other beautiful people & friends? I wish I knew the answer, but all I can say is, try to hold on. You deserve so much & I trust it is coming its way to you.

xoxo, Mary


  1. Lisa D.B. Taylor

    April 17, 2014 at 8:19 pm

    I hope things keep going beautifully for you 🙂
    BTW – I love Ellen, and that Christopher Robin quote is one of my all time favorites!

    1. AlongComesMary

      April 21, 2014 at 10:22 am

      Thank you Lisa!!

  2. Susan Cooper

    April 18, 2014 at 12:12 pm

    Glad you have finally found your contentment. Enjoy every moment!

    1. AlongComesMary

      April 21, 2014 at 10:22 am

      I am, Susan! =D

  3. Candi

    April 18, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    It is hard when your friends are going through tough times. I am happy that you are in a great place right now. Happy Blogging anniversary.

    1. AlongComesMary

      April 21, 2014 at 10:24 am

      Thank you so much, Candi. It really is, hard to finally find yourself in a happier place while still seeing those around you suffering. I don’t want them to feel like I am overlooking them, either 🙁

  4. Susan@ofeverymoment

    April 20, 2014 at 9:30 pm

    Christopher Robin said it best! Thanks for publishing the quote. Happy blogging anniversary – You are inspiring to new bloggers like me!

    1. AlongComesMary

      April 21, 2014 at 10:24 am

      That means SO much to me, Susan! I hope I can continue to inspire people 🙂 xo

  5. Pat

    April 22, 2014 at 9:55 am

    I’m so happy for you, Mary, in finding love, contentment and a place to call home. When your heart is happy, there’s nothing like it. And, congratulations on 2 years of blogging. Time flies doesn’t it. 🙂

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