Notes to a Young Me…

I went to sleep last night without washing my face. I awoke this morning with day-old, tired mascara raccoon-ing around my under eyes. The Mary 10 years ago would have never let such a thing occur. Me, Mary today? Whatever….
It got me thinking that I have changed over the years….while I don’t know if it is for better or for worse, I suppose it could simply be my priorities have shifted, & after a long day, I may crash on the couch & not get up. This also made me think of a cool book I found a few years back called, “Dear Future Me”, where people do just that; write a letter to themselves to either open at a certain time in their life, or to maybe stumble upon anytime & see where they are at right now…..Since there are a few things I know younger Mary would be surprised at about Old(er) Mary, I decided to give this project a whirl, right now!:)

Here goes…..

1) Yes, I have fallen asleep with a full face of make-up on.

2) I love love LOVE sushi.

3) I do not write letters like I did all the time growing up. My friends are lucky if they get a Christmas card from me.

4) I color my hair. Mom finally let me (Or I turned 18…one or the other). It doesn’t change lives;)

5) Remember for a few years beginning when I was around 15, I gave up coffee to see if it improved my tummy aches?? I think it was wheat. So, Gluten Free now. Coffee Loaded.

6) I never moved to Seattle to start a grunge band.

7) I have dated a lot. It has made me want to be like young Mary again, staying home to watch movies, write & listen to music!

8) I thought I would know what I wanted to do in life by now & how to get it. Nah. Just trying to have fun;)

027 (Dancing through life…with a teddy bear)



  1. Susan Cooper/

    January 29, 2013 at 1:27 am

    How fun! I liked your last line… me too. I might use this to write about my first year with my website/blog. 🙂

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