Sunday Fun Day: Tag! You’re It!

My friend, Anita, who is One Sleepy Mommy, tagged me to take part is this fun mini-interview to get to know you & your blogger friends better. Here are Anita’s questions from me! xo

What was your proudest moment in your life?

That’s a great question. Something that first pops into my mind is when I moved out on my own from my parents house; we lived in Solvang, California & I moved out on my own to Long Beach. It might sound minor, but you’re dealing with a girl who never left her tiny, simple town, hardly had driven on freeways & either couldn’t drive to do things like concerts or nightlife because of lack of money, transportation &/or friends to do things with! So, 5 years later, I am proud at what I have accomplished.

If you could have a week to yourself sans your family, what would you do?

Hehe, I actually just had an overnight stay up north all on my own, & got so lonesome. So, I don’t know how much I would enjoy myself for a week!But, I would most likely take a trip; maybe up north to San Francisco, Portland or Seattle.

What is one thing that you want people to remember about you?

I’ve been touched when people whom I do not know that well anymore (or maybe even never did, too well), recall something I did for them, that maybe even I have forgotten; its been something as simple as giving a friend a cookie after a long work night, or someone saying that I am a good friend. So, perhaps that I am a kind, good person.

What are your travel pet peeves?

Traveling is one of my favorite things in the world to do, but it definitely triggers my anxiety in that I worry if I will feel good on the trip, have food that is gluten free & doesn’t make me sick, & worries like that. Then, once the trip begins, I am usually fine & have a blast. I suppose another peeve is the airport, like waiting for your baggage & things like that.

What is one bad habit that you want to change?

Although my family says I eat really well, I always am interested in improving my diet; whether it’s The Alkaline, Paleo, Cleanses, there are so many great lifestyles that interest me, so I wouldn’t mind cutting out certain things like alcohol, caffeine. (Its hard, though!)

And, I now tag Natalie, Amy, Candy, Cassie,

And, my 5 questions for you:

1) If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
2) Where would you like to visit that you haven’t yet?
3) If you could switch places with anyone, who would you & why?
4) Which fictional character do you most identify with?
5) Who was your first concert?


  1. Susan Cooper

    December 14, 2014 at 5:29 pm

    Very interesting to learn a little more about you Mary. 🙂 I share your travel peeve, waiting for baggage…especially when it never comes down the chute because they lost it. lol

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