A Post of Gratitude
I’m much overdue for a gratitude post. November came and went and as I noticed the date a few days ago, December 2nd, I felt incredibly happy and blessed to be alive. More than usual. You see, on this day 25 years ago, I was a comatose child fighting for her life in a San Francisco emergency room. It was unknown that I was a type one diabetic, and I went into Ketoacidosis. My blood sugar level was over 1150. The normal range is 80-120. It wasn’t looking good, from what I’ve been told.
Despite the odds, I made it. It felt extremely humbling as I sat with my dogs and sipped a cup of tea this week. I don’t take for granted that I, like the rest of us, am here on borrowed time. While I’m always striving to be the best version of myself I can be and count my blessings, I feel this week warrants extra thanks. I also love that we’re at the end of a decade. 2009-2019 has hands down been the most influential, scary and exciting roller coaster time of my life.
These are just a few of the reasons why I’m so thankful to have made it through that coma 25 years ago and live some more decades…..
Music continues to be my healer and something I can’t live without. I’m so thankful to have stuck around and become the concert junkie I am. And to think of all the incredible musicians and friends I never would have known. While my life certainly has not always been the easiest, it’s been the connections through music that’s helped in guiding me all these years whenever I’m lost, sad, angry or at my happiest.
Road Trips
There’s nothing that feels more freeing than hitting the road in your car. Whether it’s to a destination I’ve visited before or somewhere new, I’m grateful for the chance to take the ride.
The Ocean
I’ve loved being near the ocean since I was young, but it’s been during this decade that I’ve spent the most time by the beach. Vitamin Sea IS a thing. Trust me!

Cathedral Bells
It’s clear I love musical sounds. I was so happy to be alive when I was in Santa Fe. My room at La Fonda overlooked the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and therefore, I had the pleasure of hearing the church bells ring on the hour each day.
I’ve always had the travel itch in me. These past few years have especially solidified that and I hope it doesn’t slow down anytime soon. Nothing is more exhilarating to me than walking somewhere new or even just getting on an airplane. (Ok, maybe I can do without layovers and rude airport people.)
The Golden Gate Bridge
Shortly after I was released from the hospital, my parents drove me over the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time. It’s still my favorite bridge and I’ve since driven over it many times myself and have walked it. I even have the T-shirt to prove it that says “I Crossed the Golden Gate Bridge.”
The Statue of Liberty
Although I’ve not seen her close, I’ve seen her from a distance once. I was walking in a park in Brooklyn and my friend casually goes, “Oh, there’s the Statue of Liberty.” I looked over and it’s one of the few times I’ve genuinely had my breath taken away. The absolute feeling of being “in awe.”
This Blog
Life is never perfect, but it’s pretty cool to see dreams come to fruition. I’d wanted to start a blog before I knew what one was. Launching Along Comes Mary has opened so many crazy, odd doors I never dreamed possible.
Much like with the music communities, some of the best people in my life are thanks to blogging and writing. I’m forever in debt to the opportunities I’ve been given.
My Friends
So many influential people have been in my life all of these eras. Many have come and gone from my life but you cannot deny what they leave.
The past few years, even months, have reminded me what a solid group of family/friends I have in my corner of the universe. As Mr. Rogers would say, it’s such a good feeling.
My Dogs
If you’re a furbaby parent, you will understand this. I grew up in a dog-loving family and dogs are one of those things that you can take a lot from me and I’ll survive, but please don’t ever take away dogs. They bring me one of my greatest joys in life. For over 20 years, I had no dog of my own. I loved any I came in contact with and had several I played Auntie to, but having dogs again of my own has been a goal since I was that sick little kid in a hospital bed.
Then, fate was on my side not once but twice. I found my Hammy on Hammond street in Pasadena (hence, his name) as a scared stray. He quickly came close to me then proceeded to jump in my car, without being invited in yet. He truly chose me to be his “human” and it’s been one of the best things in my life having him….and his sister.
Two years later, I found a scared, abandoned Maltipoo in our parking lot. Once again, no microchip but a lot of equal love. Having multiple dogs is the ultimate “goal” to me so to have two is the best. My dogs are my closest friends, always by my side. While no biological children for me yet, these guys do have my heart.
My Husband
I cannot fathom a world without Michael, my partner for over six years now. It breaks my heart to think of all those who’ve left before finding their “Michael.”
For however much longer I’m here, I’m eternally grateful. Not only to have survived but do not have any complications.
What are your thoughts on the end of this decade? What are you thankful for? xo
December 4, 2019 at 11:56 amI’m thankful for YOU. I’m so happy we became friends!
December 4, 2019 at 5:56 pmThank you so much, Mel!!!!
Linda Milks
December 4, 2019 at 12:31 pmMary, every year when I read your post of what you are thankful for, it brings tears to my eyes. You show so much gratitude and understanding. Let us all pause to be thankful for what we have.
December 4, 2019 at 5:57 pmOh, you’re too kind, Linda! I’m so glad we’re friends.
Christine (@FoodWineTravel_)
December 4, 2019 at 1:33 pmThis is such a lovely post, so eloquently expressed.
December 4, 2019 at 5:56 pmAww, thank you so much, Christine. xoxo