Feeling Grateful with A Glass of Mercer Wine
I really should be writing some other posts. I have at least 3 articles for other blogs to finish, client deadlines to meet and posts of my own to edit and publish. But, as I sit here editing pictures from my last trip, scrolling some #TravelTuesday posts on Twitter and listening to an excellent playlist from Spotify while enjoying a glass (or 2) of Mercer Wines Sharp Sisters Red Blend, I am struck with how crazy my life turned out to be.
Psychics and Empaths have told me I am born under a lucky star. While much too often, I focus on the stuff that isn’t always great for me (like my health), when I actually stop and think of how far I come? It’s a little nuts. Especially, if you live in my mind and know where I have come from.
I did not grow up with a lot. I had a great childhood, but, things were far from perfect. Most days, I would be in my own little world in my room. I loved the beginning of each month as that meant I had “published” my latest magazine and was busy preparing the next months. If it were October, I was drawing and writing ‘articles’ for the December issue. While some think this means I made my own ‘zine. No. I wasn’t that cool. Instead, I created lives for my stuffed animals. They were TV stars and performers. Their comings and goings would be in my magazines, with help from Crayola markers and many sticker sheets my Grandma would send me.
I did these projects to keep busy, and because I adored magazines and wanted to manage my own one day.
Years later, I was reading a magazine (of course) and there was an interview with Ellen DeGeneres. She expressed she did not feel like a cool person because she did not know what a blog was. Giggling to myself, as I could relate to her as I had never heard that term, either.
Fast forward a few more years. I have my first laptop. I am also reading an issue of Jane Magazine (Looking back, I think I have always wanted to be Jane Pratt. A powerhouse woman editing and creating her own magazine? And she’s a blonde Scorpio? Heck yes!) and there are a bunch of “Women of the Year” for doing cool things. My favorites were a New York City trash lady and a chick running her own blog.
By then, I knew what a blog was (I wonder if Ellen did, too?) and it perplexed me. How did these girls become ‘overnight sensations’ (boy, was I naive) with a website? I wanted to do this. I was living in Solvang, California and felt like I had no life. Can’t I be a blogger? I would think to myself.

A lot more time went by. My life took me in different directions but, I do find myself managing some MySpace’s for entrepreneurs, which is cool. “What does ‘Online Marketing’ mean?” I would get asked a lot. In 2012, my awesome friend, Jamie, from Minnesota Girl in the World, is the first person I know in real life who is doing this blogging thing. I ask her for a crash course. On April 11th of that year, I launch Along Comes Mary and write about two subjects I love and think others might, too: Traveling while gluten-free.
That was over 5 years ago. When I said it’s a little nut how my life has turned out, it is because of this blog. Back in my bedroom in Solvang, I wanted to be a blogger. I wanted to travel. I wanted to be in Los Angeles and see Courtney Love and Tori Amos rock concerts. I wished I lived near a Starbucks.
I just got home from a sponsored media visit to Georgia and North Carolina. I received press tickets a few years back to review Kansas City Choir Boy starring Courtney Love. I was offered Tori Amos tickets her last tour (I had already bought mine). I am in talks with Live Nation to cover a concert this weekend. I have made fantastic resources and contacts to assist me when I want to travel. I go to Starbucks every day, sometimes a few times.
I got really lucky. I am extremely thankful. Maybe it’s this incredible Mercer Red Blend I am enjoying (this Sharp Sisters blend boasts 29% Cabernet Sauvignon, 27% Syrah, 18% Merlot, 14% Petit Verdot, 10% Grenache and 2% Carignane, and just 2400 cases made) but, whatever the reason. I am feeling really proud and grateful. Let’s not even get me started on my amazing husband. Something else I wanted more than anything on many bleak days when I was single.
I really hope it does not come across as if I am bragging. I think this Sharp Sisters blend just got me reminiscent. If there is any takeaway from this post, have it be: Don’t be afraid to dream. To try new things and take some risks. I wish I have taken more but, maybe, I am right where I am supposed to be and, well, I am not doing too bad. xo
(*Disclosure: I received samples of Mercer Wine. All opinions are my own and it’s a fantastic wine that gets you thinking!)
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